Pre-Medical Program is designed for those students who have completed Higher Secondary Education and willing to pursue a career in medicine. The program is also called “Basic Foundation for Medical Sciences” and often abbreviated as “Pre-Med Program” or just “Pre-Med.” Pre-Medical Program spans over a duration of one year and forms the first year of the 5-Year Program for MD in Barbados!

Students who hold graduation in medical sciences are not required to pursue Pre-Medical and are directly admitted to 4-Year MD Program.

Apparently, Pre-Medical is part of the 5-Year MD Program, but in effect, the Pre-Med Program is a prelude to the 4-Year MD Program. Pre-Medical Program helps the students get ready for the rigorous course they will go through in the last four years of the MD Program during medical in Barbados.

The program is designed for prospective students who are coming out of schools with a science background and willing to pursue MD Program right after school. Accordingly, the Pre-Medical Program combines Basic Foundation for Medical Sciences as well as graduate-level medical education.

Pre-Medical Program fills the knowledge gap which is much required for a smooth transition from being a schoolchild to being an undergraduate medical student. Pre-Med Program offers the post-school level of Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Neuroscience, English, Calculus and other disciplines of medicine and related subjects along with an undergraduate level of science and laboratory experiences.

After successful completion of the Pre-Medical Program, students are admitted to the 2-Year Basic Sciences Program, which is the next phase of the 5-Year MD Program and the first phase of the 4-Year MD Program and then to the 2-Year Clinical Rotations Program. During the last four years of the MD program, students go through the same curriculum and training as that of the 4-Year MD Program.

Here are key-points summarizing what you will learn and go through in the Pre-Medical Program at Victoria University of Barbados during the first year of MD in Barbados:

  • Participation in medical outreach programs and volunteer activities;
  • Conducting medical research in laboratories;
  •  Working in the team on new medical projects;
  • Upper-school and graduate level of medical disciples and related subjects;
  • Pursuing activities that exhibit devotion to healthcare;
  • Occasional clinical visits to get familiar with medical practices;
  • Explore various options for medical career specialization; and
  • Everything else required to prepare you for the next levels of MD Program.

Pre-Medical Program is the backbone of the MD Program. It’s a golden track for students who are looking forward to getting MD Admission right after completing their schooling. Pre-Medical Program prepares the students for the higher level of medical education imparted during the Pre-Clinical Program which is the very next level of the MD Program.